Saturday, September 30, 2006


Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse! Forever let us hold your banner high....

For crying out loud. If this is not the most annoying song in the english language then i just dont know what is (okay, ignoring 'The Song That Never Ends" i suppose). Everday since the beginning of time - or at least the start of the school year - i have been subjected to this song during cleaning time, when all teachers and students drop what they're doing to clean the school building. Thats right, no janitors with mops in broom closets, no just students running around with cleaning rags sort of doing their job. I wonder how the school isn't filthy as most of the students i see are doing nothing remotely related to cleaning but rather talking, fighting with the brooms, racing around the halls with their rags on the floor as sleds or something, or flirting. The only students who seem to actually work are the poor souls (lowly first years) assigned to the corridor outside the faculty office. Yet as soon as i whipped out my camera to capture the moments of 'cleaning' everyone actually looked busy. Which is the opposite of what usually happens, which is when the stop what they're doing, interrupting the natural picture i wanted, and smile and put up a peace sign by both cheeks. Typical.

The worst part about it all though is that now instead of just being bombarded with the Mickey Mouse Club song once a day it happens twice! Because of bunkasai and/or because the third years dont have club activities after school anymore the schedule is changed. First and second years clean at the normal time (aobut 3.30) to the horrible music, but the third years dont do it till about 4.00, giving them more time for bunkasai prep or homeroom or something. So then they play the Mickey Mouse Club song all over again. And both times its on for about 15 to 20 minutes on repeat. Ahhhh!

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