Sunday, July 29, 2007

the final countdown

Its really here. In less than 60 hours i will be on my way home. And I only have 12 hours left in my apartment. The walls are bare, the floors are scrubbed (including some of the grossest stuff under the fridge and the washing machine), the drawers are empty, the dishes are packed and my suitcases are bulging at the seams.

Tomorrow the boxes and furniture will all be packed up and hauled away to Shimagawa for the new ALT (mostly, probably by me and Shannon). My suitcases will be sent to the airport so i dont have to haul the 100+ pounds by myself through 3 train transfers on the way to Nagoya airport. The next two days i'll be crashing at Shannon's with a small backpack of stuff and tons of errands to run - cancel my cellphone, empty my bank accounts, return my modem, collect my money at Heiwado and Liquor Mountain from my point cards, say final farewells at school, and more. Of course our last two evenings are planned too: Cannery Row tomorrow and the Omitetsudo Beer Train on Tuesday.

The last days have been long in coming, and while i'm sad to say goodbye and leave everyone here, i'm ready to go home. Sayonara Nihon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm sure you're sad to say goodbye, but we're THRILLED that you will finally be home. From a mother's perspective, this day has taken a LONG time to get here! We are so excited to meet you at the airport, and watch you come through those doors and give you smothering hugs! Until Wednesday!