Thursday, February 01, 2007

Planning - sharing one of my greatest joys with the rest of the world

So as some of you know, i'm a bit of a planner. List-maker, note-jotter, outline-creater, email-writer, mini-notebook-and-pen-carrier, journal-writer, bullet-pointer, post-it-user extraordinaire. and i've been lucky throughout my 22 years to encounter a plethora of folks patient enough not to smack me when i race to grab a pen and mini-notebook (or white board) as soon as weekend plans, events, or pro/con lists are discussed. What i didn't know before i came to Japan that i was enterring into a society of the severly anal, and would be welcomed, pen, paper, and all, with open arms.

Tonight when i discussed (for probably the 12th time) my parents upcoming visit to Japan with my japanese-granparents and keiko the three of them immediately whipped out planners and cell phones to check the date and free their schedules. Then they got out a pad of paper to jot down any culinary dislikes or allergies my parents may suffer from and start planning the ridiculous feast that we'll be gourging on in 2 months. Honestly, it sounds completely ludicrous, but at the time i couldn't stop grinning and thinking how lucky i was - to be surrounded by people who cared enough about me, my family, and list-making, to plan one dinner over 7 weeks in advance.

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