Tuesday, March 06, 2007

For the sake of all that is holy...

How does this happen? Sunday it was gorgeous: sunny, 68 degrees, a gentle breeze, the beginning of ume blossoms on the trees. Nothing could have been better than taking a walk in the late afternoon in light pants and SHORT SLEEVES! Then today i wake up to a mild day - 40 at 7am but really windy. Thus by lunch i was biking to the post office in torrential winds and the beginning of sprinkles. Some how the temp dropped about 10 degrees from 1 to 4 and i somehow wound up biking home in crazy, swirling, painfully cold snow. Its just annoying. The second time it snows in my town EVER and it has to be in March, just when i'm done with winter, ready for Spring weather and spring clothes and spring flowers and spring travel. Come on already, what is this, Wisconsin?

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