Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ranting and Raving - so much for that thing called a future

Turns out looking for a job is the worst thing ever. In fact, i'll one-up that. Looking for a job while you reside in a foreign country is the worst thing ever. Especially if you find yourself a recent graduate of a liberal arts college, with no real marketable skills, who has just wasted a year of her life doing god-only-knows-what while not actually teaching (not that that matters since she doesn't even want to BE a teacher) in Japan. And in Japan of all places, where she hasn't learned the language enough to claim that as an asset, not that anyone in their right mind would consider Japanese fluency to be an asset in the field of psychology. So now, not only is job hunting the most ridiculously lame thing ever, but its totally ego crushing as well, especially running through a list of fields/techniques/degrees/experiences/etc. and having to check 0 out of like 5000 boxes because it turns out you know nothing and have done nothing with your life afterall. And there isn't even space to toss in any of your redeeming (yet completely worthless) qualities like your GPA, or that you're good with kids, or your test scores, or that you love communist Russia and Jane Austen novels, or that you make some kick ass banana bread (even without buttermilk and baking soda). And really, doesn't the banana bread part matter more anyway?

and this is how i fall into the trap of watching 24 and looking at Craig's List "missed connections" instead of doing anything of substance, whatsoever. Ok. I'm done for now. Both with the rant, and the job search. I need a glass of wine...

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