Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Hofers (and Erin) take on Japan - part II

We did it! Amy and Erin conquered Japan and allowed me to tag along for the weekend. We hit up Kyoto and Osaka for sightseeing, eating (yes, i took them to Mexican food in Osaka. i win), shopping, movie watching (don't see Hanibal Rising if you want to be able to eat dinner), capsule staying, drinking and of course, karaoke. I even hit up kinkakuji, the Golden Temple for the first time.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you girls enjoyed yourselves! Thanks for the photo updates! love you,

Anonymous said...

Oh emily! The cloud of depression is gradually settling over me as I realize that Japan is, once again, far across the sea. Oh how I will miss the capsules, the overpriced beer, the neat lines of people in a crowded subway station, the gyoza...GYOZA!, the fuji-san, the not knowing what I'm eating, the "free time"...HEllo Osaka!!!, the shinkansen....and most of all...the emily!! What a trip! I miss you already! Good luck next weekend....beware of .....free time.