Monday, December 18, 2006

List making and Christmas lessons

Remember that episode of Saved By the Bell where Jessie gets addicted to caffeine pills while she struggles to keep up (in high school, honestly) while pursuing the girl band with Kelly and Lisa. When Zach catches her trying to pop some pills to get ready for their "gig" she declares she needs them, "there's no time, there's never any time" (followed shortly by the infamous breakdown embodied in the lines "I'm so excited.... i'm so.... scared).

In anycase, i feel for Jessie. I may not have caffeine pills, but these days my intake of coffee is steadily increasing as i try to get more done faster. No, its not that things have finally picked up in my lax school schedule (though this week is surprisingly full actually), rather i have only 3 more days to prepare for my trip for India! As many of you can imagine, my life is currently full of lists - on my desk at work, stuck up on the fridge, on the back of the door so i wont forget anything when i leave the apartment, taped next to my desk at home, and obviously spinning in my head. This is the week of lists and teaching Christmas to an entired school of Japanese middle schoolers. I'm a wee bit distracted, to say the least.

Because i'm leaving for India in 3 days! Holy Tits!


Anonymous said...

a merry merry christmas to my chrismy emily from your german sis way over in europe...
you got mail anyway- but always wanted to post and never made it. this is lovely- feels like you´re right there. I want some of your puppy chow!!!
Take good care of yourself Miss Emily.
Love to wherever you are right now

Anonymous said...

Hi Em! I know that you're in India now, and hopefully have had more than one cold fruity beverage on the beach. I just want to say:
1. Hi, and Happy New Year
2. Your Christmas card from us will be quite late.
3. We miss you and were thinking of you lots on Christmas Eve. Your family looked to be just about one person short.
4. Thank you for all the FUN treats you sent! We are having a riot with the chopsticks, and the candies are great.
5. I hope you had a fabulous time in India. I am so proud of you and all that you're doing!

So, may God Bless you and all those you so graciously touch with your kind and energetic spirit.
Anne and fam J.