Tuesday, March 13, 2007

and then there were two - gradumatation

Today the san-nensei students graduated. I share the sentiments of my friend Erin - some of the coolest kids in the school are gone. And i'm sad. Don't worry, i'm not like really sad. No waterworks here (shock to all). In fact, when i looked around during the graduation ceremony,
i was the ONLY female teacher not crying (and this was not during some student speech or sad song but when some chick from the Board of Eduation was speaking). And when i told one of my JTE's that i didn't cry at my high school OR college graduation ceremonies, she looked at me like i'd just killed her puppy. But really...

In any case, in spite of the cold, the 12+ hours of no sensation in my toes, the rain, and all the tears, it was a good day. The ceremony was held in the *unheated* gym, which i didn't think would be a problem last week, but then it snowed yesterday and all bets were off. Mostly the ceremony was attended by the students, staff, a bunch of flunkies from the BOE that no one knew, and the mothers of the third year students with SWETT corsages of lace and silk and paper and fake pearls. And everyone, and i mean everyone, wore all black. Freaky (i even partially complied).

After the 2 hour ceremony all the first and second grade students and teachers lined up outside to say goodbye to the third years. There were two rows of students, a huddle of teachers near the entry-way, and the school band playing just inside the main doors to the school. It was a love-fest as all the third years came out sobbing, flowers in hand, and notes to deliver to friends and teachers (i got quite a few that reminded me how sad i am that they're leaving... unlike the 2nd years they actually can speak english!), some handshakes, and finally i whipped out the hugs. I mean Japan is hardly a society known for hugging and physical affection, but come on, these kids were bawling and red-faced and waving good-bye to me and offering their had and i just couldn't take it. A few of them even know how to hug back :)

Most of the students had disposable cameras too (and mothers standing off to the side with digatal photo cameras AND video cameras) so we took lots of pics. Here are the ones i managed to snag on my own camera. In a few days after students email me ones from their cell phones i might post more. Assuming i dont spend the rest of my life regretting giving my cell-phone info to an entire class of 9th graders. Yikes.


rachelring said...

Super haircut!!!!

Anonymous said...

What sweet kids! And that sweet teacher...I get to see her in 4 days! Yahoo! Really cute haircut too. And nice black jacket. Do I need to bring one? HA!

Anonymous said...

That above was from your mom, FYI.
love, mom