Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the last 14 days... one giant emotional rollercoaster

So its wednesday now, and exactly 2 weeks till my departure from Japan. And lets just say things are getting a bit more difficult. Today i had two more last classes with my second year students who i just loved as first years but who have become a bit less enjoyable to teach. The class that i'd had planned for 2 weeks (to play a Jeopardy-like game and give out candy as prizes) completely fell apart as the kids didn't want to have to think at all. The questions were slightly challenging, though they could have done it if they were interested in focusing, but instead they started a chant to play Shiritori (the word string game... egg, game, english, house, etc) which is, clearly, quite easy for them, and which we've played about a million times. I felt like it was cheating to give the winners for that game candy, but as i'd given it to allthe other classes i didn't think i could get out of it.

So after this seriously frusterating class, a group of my favorite girls came up to me and apologized for the class 'making noisy' and making me sad. At which point i, of course, start crying and apologize to them and say how sad i am to leave.

Then after school a girl (also a favorite 2nd year of mine) comes out of clubs to give me a gift... a miniature bintemari she had made for me herself in homemaking club, along with a cute note and purikura picture of her. So i start crying again.

I'm a bit worried about the waterworks, to tell you the truth. The last classes have been, up till now, fairly unemotional as i still see the students everyday. But friday is the last day of school where we'll have an assembly, i'll give a goodbye speech, and i'm sure there will be lots of picture taking and more crying (on my end). Plus after friday i may see some of the students when they come in for clubs, but the third years probably wont come in at all since they're finished with clubs. Woah.

So here i am, 14 days from leaving, and already feeling overwhelmed with the hugeness of it all. And i haven't even started cleaning this bloody apartment yet... something tells me the grime and grossness of it all will really bring me to tears.

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