Thursday, September 07, 2006

my new J-Gma

Sometimes i am taken aback by the kind of people you can meet all over the world. Tonight i had dinner with Keiko, one of my English teachers, and a 60+ Japanese couple that have befriended many ALTs in my town. They were amazing. The wife speaks very good english, simply because she wanted to and had the time and money to learn. The husband does not, but his energy and humor and the experienced translation of the other two women allowed the night to go on smoothly.

He cooked many dishes hoping i'd like something and were amazed when i loved it all. The husband paints pictures and i was amazed to find among them images of Tuscany, the Sphinx, a scandanavian house, and the Empire State Building. Pretty soon we were heavy into a discussion of their travels - to Thailand and Laos, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Paris, London, a Scandanavian Journey (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland), to Egypt and the Saharan Desert, to the US, to Canada, Turkey and Greece - and thats just what we got to today. They dug out old photo albums and we discovered unbelievable places, and we were invited on their next trips, to Taiwan in November and Switzerland in the Spring. The wife is also secretly planning a trip with her girlfriends through the English coutryside after reading a book on England with her book club (sadly not Jane Austen).

Before we knew it the husband was late for his 'social dance class', and the three of us women were left sitting around the table, spinning the globe, drinking tea and listing the places we wanted to go in the world. This turned into a discussion of global politics and history. That somehow turned into one on Religion. Finally, after 4.5 hours in the same chair, we pulled ourselves up to get going and refuel for tomorrow's sports day. Luckily as we left she reminded us to be there at the same time next week. And every Thursday there after. I may have already found a J-mummy (as the Pants loves to call them) in my friend Yuko who is there to take care of anything and everything i could ever need, but now i may officially have the coolest J-Gma ever too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here I am! Your J-mummy;-)
Thank you for leaving such a heart-warming comment on my blog.
I am recovering really quickly. My doctor suggested me to wear socks for now on to avoid catching a germ! Who wears socks in this weather???
Anyway, the infection is gone and I am just waiting for the wounds to heal completely. I am wearing plastic bags to take a shower now. I was panicing when I found a roach on the wall of the bathroom last night when I was in shower all by myself in a house, wearing stupid looking plastic bags on my foot. I scared him away with the water and when I was dressed, I went back and caught him with the plastic bag and
released him outside the house so he can join his friends and family.