Monday, September 18, 2006

Respect for the 80s Weekend

Okay, so the holiday is actually called "Respect for the Aged Day" but when Stacey misheard me on the phone i discovered what an amazing holiday it could really be. I mean i think we all need to remember to respect things like acid-washed jeans, hair bands, and Micheal Jackson pre-creepiness.

Anyway, in order to properly celebrate our 3-day weekend I joined about 40 other Shiga JETs on the west side of Lake Biwa for a watersports weekend. For 2 solid days we played in the water, ate, drank, "pier jumped," kayaked, windsurfed, waterskiied, sailed, ate and drank some more, and generally pretended it was Labor Day weekend. Given the recent entrance into Typhoon Season, we were granted a weekend of fairly pleasant weather (almost no rain, a cool evening, and enough sun sunday to get me a bit pink).

Saturday evening was devoted to truly international pasttimes - barbequing tons of meat, drinking beer, wine, and whatver booze was around, and ending the evening with a guitar-playing, song-singing circle o' love. We even enjoyed a few rounds of beer pong thanks to the red party cups delivered directly from the US by Shree. I swear, JET really is just college without the homework.

After a full couple of days i'm glad to have today off. That means spending my holiday doing laundry, running errands, and watching Grey's Anatomy in an attempt to prepare for work tomorrow.

Pictures Top to Bottom: pier jumping, JET "kayaking" = holding one another's kayaks and chatting, and Scott making some windsurfing progress.

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