Saturday, September 02, 2006

on pizza and hooliganism

So last night i had one of the best and most needed meals ever. My new friends Candice and Nick took Shannon and I to Hikone for some fabulous 'western' cuisine. Cannery Row, the gourmet establishment, lived up to all expectations, especially when we discovered the juice bar/dessert cart combo add-on for only 500 yen. Heck yes. Fresh juices, coffees and teas plus a 3-piece choose-your-own dessert sampler! After an unbelievable pizza, good conversation, and tons of laughs, it really hit the spot.

Unfortunately, while my friday night may have been saved, Saturday continued to pain me. I was up bright and early this morning and headed to work for yet another full day of sitting at my desk. Luckily today was brightened by meeting my special ed english class, talking (through an interpreter) to the cute social studies teacher about our enkai, thoroughly organizing my desk, and my first run in with hooligan japanese middle schoolers.

Sometime in the afternoon i got up to go to the bathroom (located near the teachers office and far from any student classrooms) and noticed group of 5 or 6 giggling boys lingering and pointing to the bathrooms. As i approached they hushed, nervous, but didn't leave. Turns out someone in the group had gotten the bright idea to switch the signs, thus labeling the ladies room mens and vice versa. I did what any japanese school teacher would do meaning i let them get away with it. I nodded politely and went into the bathroom boldly labled Men. When i came out the group had dissolved, i changed the signs, and went back to my desk. Something tells me with a year of this i'm totally going to let discipline go out the window.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Em! Long time no seen!How is the school going? Sounds like you had a good time at Canary Row. I like it there, too. There is a free membership card issued at my radio station called FM Hikone fan club card, which will get some discount on prices at restaurants including Canary Row. I will get you that soon!