Friday, August 18, 2006

daily life in Japan

Just to let you know how boring i really am, here is a breakdown of my life. It is worth noting that, as i've probably never had more than 3 "normal" days in a row here, normal is a relative term. But nonetheless: my life.

I get up around 8 (yeah for summer vacation), mak
e breakfast and coffee, get ready and wait for my ride to work. At work Shannon (the other Aisho JET) and i sit around, drink green tea, practice Japanese (mostly she drills me on katakana and hiragana or she practices kanji since she actually knows japanese), fill out paper work, check our email, etc. After only about 2 hours at the office its lunch time. Then repeat above activities in any order. After work i generally bike around, go to the grocery store (when my bike is in working order - lately i have had many adventures with flat tires) and get things for dinner, visit Shannon at her place, go for a walk, or clean up my apartment. Then i cook, usually enough to have leftovers for lunch, and put in one of my 10 DVDs, of which i'm quickly growing tired. Pretty much every day i regret another movie sitting at home in the box. Today's was Pride and Prejudice (the long one). Yesterday it was The Lord of the Rings. There was also the day i nearly cried because i couldn't enjoy the splendor of Fantastic Four. Okay, well not quite. Now that i have the internet at home i feel a change coming on in my life, but probably it will just enable me to order more movies and continue my habit. Dishes and general cleaning/picking up bring me to about 9. Now in the pre-internet days (P.C.) this was when i'd start having to work at keeping myself awake - journaling, reading, painting my nails, and whatnot till about 10, when i'd feel less ashamed about crawling into bed. Last night, my first night A.C. (after connection) found me wasting many hours online and finally reminding myself that i did have to work around 12:30. Woohoo! It turns out i am in fact under the age of 60 and able to stay awake past dusk. Yippee. So thats my life. Any Questions?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah i've got a question. you didn't mention there what time is reserved for boozing.