Monday, August 28, 2006

Hatasho Chugako

So for lack of a better topic or activity to do on a rainy afternoon, i'll discuss my school. I spend my days in this lovely building, Hatasho Junior High School (Hatasho Chugako). It is lovely and only about 3 years old (the half i work in anyway) so everything is nice and new and airconditioned. I've even heard rumors about central heating in the winter (which is virtually non-existant in Japan)!

The following picture is my classroom. i really like it and how nice and colorful it already is with the pink and blue chairs. We can't wear shoes in the classroom so i guess i'll be teaching barefoot :) It gets lots of light through the windows so when i'm sitting in there doing nothing (as opposed to sitting at my desk doing nothing with people watching) i dont have to turn on the icky fluorescent lights. Soon it will be decorated with pictures of Harry Potter characters to help enlighten the students about answering "How are you?" with a response other than "fine." And whatever else i dream up.

And finally my lovely desk. You can't see it here but there are three more rows of desks behind my in the office, yet on an average day (given that its summer) only about 6 of the 28ish desks will be filled. Today it was just me, the kyoto sensei (vice principal) and the office lady/secretary. Generally i sit here for 6 hours a day practicing my kana, texting people, eating lunch and waiting till no one is looking and i can illegally go use the office computer to email (somehow i can't connect my computer!!!). Thus is my life. The most exciting thing that happened today was standing in the hallway for 10 minutes watching the rain and wondering if myself and my computer would make it home okay. I report nothing but success.

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