Friday, August 18, 2006

Obon Week

So, because i'm bored i've decided tonight is the night that i fill you in on all sorts of stuff. Woohoo for all my lovely readers.

This week i enjoyed a lovely 5-day weekend due to the fabulous Japanese holiday of Obon. Obon is the time of year that all good Japanese Buddhists honor their ancestors by reuniting as a a familyl and traveling to the gravesites of departed family members. The closest thing i could get to a family reunion in Japan was a partial reunion of the Tit Pit (my college girl friends) by visiting Rachel (more affectionately known as The Pants. See her blog at in her town in Mie Prefecture. While she has already covered the basics, let me just say we enjoyed one anothers' company, cable TV with english channels, Mexican food, fabulous naps, a whole lot of walking, and discovering new flavors of Chu-hi, a flavored japanese beverage. Here we are, kampei-ing with our margs and me, reveling in the beauty of a bowl of guac. What a lovely Obon holiday.


Mei said...

how did the computer know my first name? oh well, i'm used to being less smart than the internet. anyway, i think you and the pants look so pretty and posh at the restaurant. can you get good mexican food in japan? i love your blog and pictures (sell-out), and maybe i will even start my own very soon!

Yuko said...

Hello! Em! It is me! Your friend in Aisho. Here is the link to my blog.
Yes, this is the English one.

MDW said...


So, I should have signed up for JET, cause I'm insanely jealous of everyone in Asia right now.

Exciting events in my life include:
1. A good friend of mine from HS is preggers. It's weird.
2. Everyone is now an adult and I can't take it.
3. And, I keep finding things I need to do before I go to DC, but not having time to do it because of the internship here at Patty Wetterling '06.
4. And I miss everyone immensely... the real world sucks, even though MTV made me really excited for it when growing up.

Ok, enough of the self-loathing. I'll be reading of your adventures in Japan... because it's so cool that you're doing it...

Anonymous said...

Hey Em! Great to see your face on the blog...thanks for the email! I will catch up with you soon lovely lady!

Dad said...

Mom and I will really enjoy your blog--great to see you beautiful and will enjoy your exciting adventures.
Love Dad